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Forum > Bazar - autohifi > P: SPL Lab USB Bass Meter SE

 o Navštíveno 1694x o
o 27.04.2024, 18:53 | Luxík100
Prodam úplně nový, parkat použity SPL meter,

[ Link ]

Measurement of the sound pressure level (SPL) of acoustic systems
Preparation for car sound competitions with unlimited sound pressure (AMT, EMMA, dB Drag, IASCA, BassRace etc.)
Wired data transmission
Supports Windows, Android and iOS
Frequency range from 10 to 120 Hz
Amplitude range from 120 to 183 dB
Calibrated according to TERM-LAB
Free software for Windows
Package contents:
USB Bass Meter SE
Spl-Lab measurement center software for Windows
Audio CD with audio tracks for tuning (sine, sweep tones, noise)
USB cable for charging

Cena 7800, nebo dohodou

o 27.04.2024, 19:10 | Luxík100

foto k příspěvku  od Luxík100

o 10.05.2024, 08:07 | Luxík100
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